• QEP Leadership Team (QLT)

    QLT Minutes          QLT Contact Information  

    QLT Responsibilities include the following:   

    • Educating college personnel about the QEP and its importance to the college.     
    • Involving all the college community through a variety of means in identifying a QEP topic. (Complete)    
    • Ensuring campus buy-in for the QEP topic by keeping all college personnel informed of QLT progress.    
    • Making data driven decisions related to student learning, a key component of the QEP, to identify need for significant improvement in QEP topic.    
    • Develop a timeline to assure completion by July 2013. (Complete)  
    • Document the QEP development.    
    • Report Progress to the SACSCOC Leadership Team.    
    • Write a focused multi-year plan that enhances student learning, is documented in research and best practices, relates to CBC’s mission, is doable and has scalability. (Complete)   
    • Submit the completed plan for college-wide input and approval. (Complete)   
    • Finalize the QEP for submission to SACSCOC six weeks prior to On-Site Review (Fall 2013). (Complete)  
    • Review the progress of each of the QEP components and use the findings to update the QEP as needed. 

    If you are a member of the CBC college community and are interested in serving, please contact Zachary Suarez at 361-354-2722 or at zsuarez@coastalbend.edu

    The QLT aligns with the SACSCOC requirement 7.2.