Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Managing Content > Blogs > Blog Properties

Blog Properties

Prerequisite: To edit blog properties, you must have permission to Edit Folders on the blog’s Advanced Permissions screen.

Click Edit Properties() to change blog properties.

Editing a Blog’s Properties vs. Adding a Blog

When you edit a blog’s properties and settings, more options are available than when you created it. This is done to save time when adding multiple blogs to a site.

The following table shows properties and settings available when adding and editing a blog.

The following table explains the fields on the Blog’s Properties tab. To edit these properties

- from the Workarea: navigate to the blog folder, click View > Properties, then click Edit Properties ()

- from the Web site: log in, navigate to the blog, open the menu for the blog, and select Properties

When you are finished, click Save ().

To learn about the other tabs on the Properties screen, see





Blog Subjects

Web Alerts

Smart Forms

The Blog Roll

Creating SiteMap Breadcrumbs




The name of your blog as it appears in the content folder tree.


The title of your blog as it appears on the Web site blog. It only appears if the ShowHeader blog server control property is set to true.

Visibility Choose whether the site is a private blog or public.
Public Any site visitor can view the blog.
Private Membership and Ektron CMS400.NETusers must log in to the site to view the blog.


A line of additional information that describes the blog. It appears below the title if the ShowHeader blog server control property is set to true.

For example, the title of a blog is “John’s Blog Page.” The tag line could be “A place to learn about John's past, present, future, and his current state of mind!”

Posts Visible

The number of posts visible on the blog page. If the number of posts exceeds this number, only this many of the most recent posts appear.

For example, if this property is set to 10 and you add 11 posts, only the ten most recent posts appear.

This number can be from 1 to 999.

If you leave this field blank, all posts made during the current day are visible.


Choose how to handle comments by checking the appropriate boxes. For more information, see Controlling Blog Comments.

Update Service

Enter a service that notifies a blog search site when blog posts are added to your blog site. These blog search sites allow Web users to search content contained in blogs around the world.

To use this feature, check the Notify blog search engines of new posts box and enter a path to a search site. An example path is: http://rpc.technorati.com/rpc/ping.

Style sheet

If you want to provide a custom style sheet for the blog, enter the path to it relative to the site root. For example, WorkArea/csslib/my_custom_blogs.css.

Leave this field blank to inherit the default style sheet, blogs.css, located in Workarea/csslib. You can customize the default style sheet but your modifications will get overwritten when you upgrade Ektron CMS400.NET.


There is no difference when working with Metadata for blogs or folders. For more information, see Working with Metadata.

Web Alerts

Web Alerts notify users when a blog post is published. This feature is explained in Assigning Web Alert Information to Content.

Smart Forms

Use a Smart Form to implement structured blogging, which provides a form for the blogger to complete instead of free form writing. For example, you create a book review blog and want to make sure that, when submitting a review, the author provides the following:



Date of review

Review text

For information on working with Smart Forms, see Working with Smart Forms.

Note: Unlike the Smart Forms you can assign to regular folders, you cannot require the user to select a Smart Form when creating a new post. It is only an option.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.