Ektron CMS400.Net Reference

>>Helping Users Navigate Your Web Site > Searching Your Web Site > Web Site Search > Basic versus Advanced Web Site Search

Basic versus Advanced Web Site Search

When your developer places a Web Search server control on any page, and a site visitor browses to it, he sees the following.

The Basic Search

Note: You can also create a folder with content outside of Ektron CMS400.NET that is searched. For more information, see Using the Integrated Search.

The Basic Search finds content that satisfies these criteria.


active (archived content is ignored)

its Searchable check box is checked (see The Content Searchable Field)

public. However, private content is available to those with permission to view it, such as membership users after logging in. See Also: Private Content

resides in the CMS folder specified in the Web search server control, or in one of that folder’s subfolders if the control’s recursive property is set to true

is not a non-image file added to the library. Images are searchable, while other files added to the library are not. So, to make files searchable, add them as assets, not library files.

matches selected language, if site is multilingual

satisfies text and/or query entered in the search box (no value returns nothing) See Also: Query Language

- The text inserted in the search field can appear in the content or metadata (See Also: Searching for Metadata)

satisfies content type criterion selected on screen, if chosen (see below)

Note: The search does not find documents inside compressed files, such as *.zip, *.cab, etc.

Search Results by Content Type

Search Screen Option

Finds submitted text in these content types


Content from all options below (except Tags) plus Forums



Smart Form (XML)

Note: Finds XML field values but not field labels. This has not changed since prior releases.


Blog entries (not comments)


MS Office document (includes Powerpoint, Excel)

Note: The search finds text within Visio documents if the Visio IFilter has been installed. See Query Language.

PDF file

.txt file

Images added as assets and through the library

.gif, .jpeg, etc.

Multi Media

Flash, .mp3, etc.


Tags applied to content and library items. See Also:

Note: The search cannot find calendar events.

Searching Multiple Terms

If a site visitor enters several terms, the search only returns pages that include all terms. This is known as an ‘and’ relationship. For example, if the user enters cancer and cure in the Search box, only content that includes both terms (and satisfies the other criteria) appears.

Ektron uses an ‘and’ relationship because we believe it’s what a site visitor expects. Consider a simple Google search – the more you enter into the Google Search text box, the fewer results you get, since your phrase is more precise.

The advanced search screen, on the other hand, lets the site visitor determine if he wants an and, or, not, or exact phrase relationship. See Also: The Advanced Search

The Advanced Search

The Advanced Search uses nearly all the same search criteria as the Basic Search. (See The Basic Search). The differences are additional options and filters (explained below) and the fact that you cannot use queries.

Advanced Search Options

Search Option

Finds these pages

with all of the words

Web page must include all submitted terms; their position on the page does not matter.

You cannot enter queries into this field.

with the exact phrase

Web page must include the exact phrase. For example, if you enter Ektron healthcare, a page with the term Ektron provides healthcare is not found because it is not an exact match.

at least one of the words

Web page can include any one of the submitted terms

without the word

Web page does not contain the submitted word.

Only use this option if you also reply to one of the three fields above.

Advanced Result Filters

Below the Advanced Search Options is a list of additional fields you can use to refine the search. These are titled Advanced Result Filters.

Result Filter

Prompts site visitor to enter


Enter firstname<space>last name.

Can abbreviate by entering part of either name surrounded by asterisks (*). For example, *Jo* finds any author whose first or last name contains those letters.

Created Before

All content created before date entered by user.

Date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Created After

All content created after date entered by user.

Date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Modified Before

All content updated before date entered by user.

Date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

Modified After

All content updated after date entered by user.

Date format is YYYY/MM/DD.

File Size

Enter file size in kilobytes. You can use greater and less than operators (>, <) to find content greater or less than a value. For example, > 10000.

To add a filter, click Add Filter. To remove a filter, click Remove to the right of the filter.

The Content Searchable Field

Each content item includes a Content Searchable field. The search only considers content whose field is checked. See illustration below.

By default, this field is checked when content is created.

Warning! Despite the value of this checkbox, if an Ektron CMS400.NET user places this content item in a Suggested Results list, it will appear in the Suggested Results area of the Search Results screen. See Also: Suggested Results. Also, this content can still be found by the Advanced Workarea search.

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Ektron CMS400.NET Reference Version 8.02 SP1 Rev 1

Ektron Documentation,© 2011 Ektron, Inc.