• CBC Logo Pic(1)  
    Coastal Bend College  

    How Can YOU Be A Part of Student Success?  

    CBC employees are generous donors to the cause of student support!       

    Help us make a positive experience in the lives of our students again this year by joining CBC Foundation’s Employee Giving Campaign.           

    Below is the employee giving link.  Complete the form and either drop it off in the foundation office or send via email to, foundation@coastalbend.edu 


    Thank you to our employees who are currently giving, you rock!      

    Thank you to our new employees for joining CBC Foundation's Giving Campaign! You rock, too.   

     Your support makes a difference!     

       Student Response 2      

    Student Response 3   




    Wildlife Order Form  |  Wildlife Photos


     CBC Wildlife Calendar

     CBC 2014 Wildlife Calendar Submissions

    Each year, Coastal Bend College features the work of a select group of area photographers in our annual wildlife calendar. Photographers who are interested should submit no more than 20 of their most outstanding South Texas wildlife photographs to the photographs to the CBC Marketing & Public Relations Office by Thursday, July 11, 2013.

    Photos may include insects, birds and animals that are native to the area and highlight regional landscape, vegetation and character. All photographs should be bright, exceptionally sharp and taken with high-quality camera settings. Prints and slides are not acceptable submissions. Digital files may be submitted on CD, DVD, USB drive or by email to mcruz@coastalbend.edu. Digital photos should be taken at the highest available camera setting and must support an output size of 8×10 while retaining high quality.

    Photographers who are interested in submitting their work should contact Monica Cruz, Manager of Marketing & Public Relations, at (361) 354-2258 or via email at mcruz@coastalbend.edu for more information.