Correspondence Exams

What is a correspondence exam?
A correspondence exam is an exam that a person takes at Coastal Bend College's Testing Center though they are registered for the course through another institution.

What do I need to do to set up taking a correspondence exam at Coastal Bend College?

Fill out and submit the Correspondence Examinee Request Form.

(1) First you need to call the Coastal Bend College Beeville Testing Center - (361) 354-2334 to find out if your correspondence exam can be administered at Coastal Bend College.


Is there a fee to take a correspondence exam? Yes. There is a $25.00 fee for each exam that we proctor for you.
You will need to contact the Beeville Test Center - (361) 354-2334 to pay the $25.00 fee with your credit card by phone before you make your appointment for testing.

(2) If the Testing Center approves administering a correspondence exam, then you will need to get their contact information. Also request the contact person's e-mail address and full name.

(3) The Coastal Bend College Testing Center will need you to fill out and submit the Correspondence Examinee Request Form. They will then create a file on you so that when your exam comes in they will be able to contact you.

(4) You will then be responsible for giving the instructor at your institution the Coastal Bend College testing center contact information. It is then up to the instructor whether they will mail or e-mail the exam to the test center that you request. The home institution must fill out and submit the CBC Correspondence Exam Check Sheet which will be e-mailed to the appropriate CBC site.

(5) Use our on-line scheduling site - click here to make your appointments. Please look at the 2024 Exam Schedule for each site for an idea of when exams are administered on each campus.


What do I have to bring with me when I come in to test? You will need to have Government-issued Photo Identification (driver's license, Texas ID card, Military ID, or passport) and any other items that the instructor has specified. Only the items the instructor has specified may be in the Testing Room. No cell phone or other electronic items will be allowed. If you bring in items that are not allowed - you must leave them at the designated storage area when you go into the exam room. Coastal Bend College is not responsible for lost or stolen items.