The Office of Accessibility Services strives to provide access to educational opportunities for students with disabilities. We also collaborate with students, faculty, and staff of the college community to create accessible and inclusive learning environments. Our goal is to increase awareness and acceptance of individuals with disabilities in support of CBC's mission of providing "educational and life-enriching opportunities" for all students.

Robert "Robby" Calvert 
Director, Accessibility Services
(361) 664-2981, ext. 3025

General inquiries:
Accommodations Request Process

Disability is defined in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as a "physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment." Major life activities include, but are not limited to "functions such as caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, working."

STEP 1: Complete the Online Request Form and Upload Documentation

Students requesting accommodations should submit documentation that establishes a disability, details the disability's current functional impact, confirms the need for each requested accommodation, and establishes a direct link between the underlying disability and the requested accommodation. Although documentation should be from the last three to five years, OAS will accept older documentation for permanent or stable conditions based on professional judgment and discretion.

The documentation should be prepared by a licensed or credentialed professional with expertise in the condition being evaluated. They must have relevant training and experience and have no relation to you. On letterhead, the documentation must be typed, dated, and signed. Additionally, the documentation must contain a diagnostic statement identifying the disability, a description of the diagnostic methodology, and a description of any current functional limitations associated with your condition (i.e. severity, frequency, pervasiveness of the condition).

Guidelines/Tips for Submitting Documentation for Eligibility

- A specific diagnosis, including the level of severity and duration

- The specific findings in support of the diagnosis, such as relevant history, tests administered, test results, and interpretation of test results
- A description of the student's functional limitations (symptoms) as they directly relate to the stated disabilities and impact academic performance
- Specific recommendations for reasonable accommodations (such as note-takers, extended testing time, adaptive technology, etc.) necessary for equal access in the academic environment

- If students with disabilities attempt a class without requesting accommodations, they cannot, unless given special approval by the professor, ask to have accommodations applied to previous coursework, exams, or quizzes.

STEP 2: Check your CBC Email for your Accommodation Status

Once your have been approved to receive accommodations, you will receive an official notice with your accommodations and all of your instructors will receive your approved accommodations too. No disability information is shared with instructors.
You must log in with your CBC Office365 account to access your approved accommodation notice. If you need any assistance, please contact the IT Department at (361) 354-2522.

Each semester, OAS communicates approved accommodations to students and teachers for each of their courses. It is the responsibility of the student to discuss accommodations with their instructors. Students are encouraged to notify instructors within the first week of the semester. While students may discuss their accommodations with their instructors, they are never required to disclose their diagnosis to anyone other than the OAS.

Determining reasonable and appropriate accommodations is based on documentation submitted as well as any discussion with the student. The student and the Director of Accessibility Services will determine appropriate accommodations for courses. Documentation becomes part of students' educational records and is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Accommodations Renewal Process

Step 1: Complete the Online CBC Accommodations Renewal form.

Students receiving services from OAS are encouraged to meet with the Director of Accessibility Services at least two times a semester. The renewal form is required so OAS staff can review your accommodations and determine if any revisions need to be made. We care about your success and what to ensure that we meet with you regularly to provide support.

Step 2: Check CBC Email for your Accommodation Status

Note: OAS will create and maintain an electronic file for students receiving services for up to 5 years.


Below is a variety of websites and technology that can assist individuals with disabilities. We are not endorsing any product, and we are merely sharing available resources. We encourage you to research all options based on diagnosis and recommended accommodations.

Online Learning

Remote Access Services - National Deaf Center


Accessible books:

Natural Readers

Note taking assistance:
Sonocent Audio Notetaker

Screen readers for blind or low vision:


Autism Speaks - Postsecondary Education
National Center for Learning Disabilities
National Deaf Center
Going to College with Diabetes
Texas Workforce Commission- Vocational Rehabilitation for Youth & Students

Complaints of Discrimination

If you feel that you have been discriminated against based on your race, color, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, gender, physical or mental disability, veteran status, or age by an employee of Coastal Bend College, you are to file a complaint using the online Title IX form. You can also contact the Title IX Coordinator, Dixie Lytle, at or (361) 354-2218.