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Student Rights & Responsibilities
As a student-centered institution, it is essential that we inform students of their rights and responsibility with regard to CBC Code of Conduct and the violation of the CBC Code of Conduct.

Coastal Bend College strives to provide a college community in which students learn and become productive members of the CBC community. We encourage students to make informed and positive choices. The Student Services Division is responsible for the administration and facilitation of the student conduct process.

Daniel Rea, Student Success Coordinator/Conduct Hearing Officer
Phone: (361) 354-2340

Student Conduct Process

  1. 1. The online Student Conduct Referral is to be completed by the person reporting the possible student conduct violation.

  1. 2. The Student Affairs Committee (SAC) Chair or designee determines if the Notice of Interim Disciplinary Action is needed; this action can be used per CBC policy FMA (Local) if the "continuing presence of the student poses a danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the educational environment". Disciplinary action can include suspension from the college and immediate eviction from on-campus housing (if applicable) if the student's presence presents a danger to others. A Hearing should be scheduled immediately following the Notice of Interim Disciplinary Action as per policy FMA (Local).
  1. 3. The SAC Chair or designee shall investigate the referral. If an allegation is deemed to be unfounded, the SAC Chair or designee shall dismiss the allegation and provide written notice to student stating the allegation of misconduct made against them was dismissed.
  1. 4. If the SAC Chair or designee determines that the allegation warrants further consideration, they are to send an Official Summons to the student(s) reported in the Student Conduct Referral for a conference not to exceed ten college district business days following the receipt of the referral.
  1. 5. After the conference, the SAC Chair or designee will determine if the misconduct warrants a penalty as stated in policy FM (LOCAL) other than suspension or expulsion and will provide student written notice of the penalty and the student's right to appeal the violation. Penalties include: reprimand, restitution, scholastic penalties, conditional probation, suspension and expulsion.
  1. 6. CBC will maintain a file for every student alleged or determined to have committed misconduct at CBC, a disciplinary record that shall reflect the charge, the disposition of the charge, the sanction assessed and any other pertinent information.