We hope you are staying safe and healthy during these difficult and extraordinary times. As many of you know, the right to vote is fundamental to your participation in this democracy. Both because we value and encourage our students' participation in the political process, and because we are required to do so under the Higher Education Act, we write to make you aware of certain information and deadlines as they relate to registering to vote in Texas for the 2020 General Election. We have included some simple step-by-step guides below to make the voter registration process easy to follow.
You are eligible to vote in Texas if:
- You are a U.S. Citizen,
- You are a resident of Texas,
- AND you will be 18 years old or older by November 3, 2021.
Registering to vote at your current address
- Complete and submit the online form (you'll be mailed a form populated with your information and a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope)
- Sign and date your application, put it in the envelope provided, and place it in the mail before October 5.
Registering to vote if you've had to relocate due to the pandemic
Apply for a mail-in ballot: https://www.register2vote.org/?appIntent=vbm
- Complete and submit the online form (you'll be mailed a form populated with your information and a pre-addressed, postage-paid envelope)
- Sign and date your application, put it in the envelope provided, and place it in the mail before October 19 (the deadline for receipt so that you get your mail in ballot is October 23).
- You will then get your mail in ballot, which needs to be completed and mailed in or postmarked by Election Day. If you have any questions or concerns, you can call the Secretary of State's Office at 800-252-8683.
Last Day to Register to Vote | Early Voting Period | Election Day |