
Federal Pell Grants are FREE monies for those who qualify for them; unlike loans, they DO NOT need to be repaid. Pell Grants are awarded to undergraduate students who have not earned a bachelor's or professional degree.
Pell Grant awards for the school year are based upon enrollment beginning with the fall semester.
Students who have completed all financial aid requirements, may charge tuition, fees, and books from the college bookstore to the maximum awards for a semester at semester award minus the amount owed to the college.
Withdrawing from all classes or failure to continue attending after receiving this disbursement may require you to repay a part of your award. For more information see Financial Aid Refund & Repayment in the CBC Catalog or see your Financial Aid Advisor.
Student will receive full Pell Grant awards over two (2) semesters. This is particularly important for students who plan to enroll for the twelve month periods. (see below for summer enrollment.)
Summer Pell Grant Awards (Year - Round Pell Grant)
Effective from the 2018-2019 school year, an eligible student will have the opportunity to receive Year Round Pell for Summer even if they received full Federal Pell Grant during Fall and Spring semesters.
An example of how Year Round Pell will work is: if an eligible student received full time pell grant ($3173) for fall semester and full time pell grant ($3172) for spring semester, they would be eligible to receive up to $3173 for summer semester. Students must be enrolled in at least 6 hours to be eligible. Under Year Round Pell, a student would be eligible to receive 150% of their scheduled Federal Grant during one academic year.

Beginning with 2024-2025 award year, half time enrollment will not be a requirement to receive Year Round Pell.
Calculation of Pell Grant Awards
The Pell Grant Award is based upon (1) Expected Family Contribution (EFC), (2) the number of hours a student is enrolled, and (3) cost of attendance.
A student must be enrolled for at least twelve (12) hours to receive the full Pell Grant award; students enrolled for less than twelve (12) semester hours will receive a proportionate award based upon their enrollment.

Pell Grant Lifetime Limit
Federal law limits amount of Pell you may receive over your lifetime to be equivalent to six years.
Pell is limited to a lifetime maximum of 6 years (600%) or 12 full-time semester.
Additional Grants
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG)
Full-time to qualify for total grant
Part-time students eligible for pro-rata shares financial need
Texas Public Educational Grant (TPEG)
Full-time to qualify for total grant
Part-time students eligible for pro-rata shares financial need
Must be a Texas Resident
Texas Educational Opportunity Grant (TEOG)
Provide grant aid to students with financial need enrolled in a Texas Public two-year college
Enrolled at least 1/2 time in the first 30 hours in an Associate's Degree or certificate program